Adding the Microsoft Exchange Webservices SQL CLR assembly the easy way

Adding the Microsoft Exchange Webservices SQL CLR assembly the easy way

If you try and load the Microsoft Exchange Web Services dll (Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll) as an assembly in Microsoft SQL Server, you will receive errors relating to dependent assemblies not being loaded in the SQL catalog.
The MSDN article for CREATE ASSEMBLY states

Besides the root assembly specified by assembly_name, SQL Server tries to upload any assemblies that are referenced by the root assembly being uploaded. If a referenced assembly is already uploaded to the database because of an earlier CREATE ASSEMBLY statement, this assembly is not uploaded but is available to the root assembly. If a dependent assembly was not previously uploaded, but SQL Server cannot locate its manifest file in the source directory, CREATE ASSEMBLY returns an error.

BUT this isn’t always the case. The first rule is Read more about Adding the Microsoft Exchange Webservices SQL CLR assembly the easy way